Fixing the Future: Spay it Forward

Fixing the Future: Spay it Forward

Did you know that February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, and this year World Spay Day falls on February 25th? This month is a critical time to spread awareness about the importance of spaying and neutering, especially with kitten season just around the corner. While cats in warm southern states can breed year-round, those in colder climates start mating as soon as temperatures rise, leading to an influx of litters in the spring. 


At FurryTail, our mission has always been to improve the lives of all cats. From finding loving homes, supporting TNR efforts, and raising awareness, we believe responsible pet ownership and community action can make a lasting impact. We are proud to support and highlight Alley Cat Allies, the Doris Day Animal Foundation, the Humane Society of the United States, and the United Spay Alliance. These leading organizations can help reduce overpopulation and give every cat a better future. 


Do you know the facts about feline family planning? This short quiz tests your knowledge of the Feline Nine Facts of Life. Let’s get started!  


FurryTail’s Feline Nine Facts of Life Quiz 


1. How many kittens can one unspayed cat produce in one year? 

A: 1-3 

B: 4-6

C: 7-10

D: More than 11  

2. Kittens can be safely spayed/neutered when they:

A: Weigh two pounds 

B: Are 1 month old 

C: Start to eat solids 

D: Have had their first heat

3. Cats that are spayed/neutered live longer.



4. What does TNR stand for? 

A: Toebeans Need Rubs 

B: Terrorize Neighborhood Rodents 

C: Trap-Neuter-Return

D: Tail Not Responsible 


5. How can you tell if a male stray cat has been neutered? 

A: He seems relaxed and indifferent to other cats

B: His rearview looks smooth and flat with no signs of “tomcat nuggets”  

C: His face is sleek and narrow with no sign of “tomcat jowls” 

D: He has a clean, straight ear tip

6. What does “Fix by Five” mean?

A: Feed your cat before 5:00 AM 

B: When you have 5 cats, you are officially a crazy cat lady

C: Spraying and neutering cats before five months of age

D: Only give five pets. One more and you get a bite  

7. The benefits of spaying a cat include reducing the: 

A: Number of unwanted litters

B: Risk of breast cancer 

C: Risk of uterus infections (pyometra) 

D: All of the above 

8. On average, how long are cats pregnant for? 

A: 9 weeks 

B: 12 weeks 

C: 6 weeks 

D: 4 weeks 

9. What is a common myth about spaying and neutering? 

A: It’s expensive and unaffordable

B: It makes cats less loving

C: It can only be done after their first heat

D: All of the above

How well do you know the Nine Feline Facts of Life?  

1. D - More than 11

VetExplainsPets says in one year, one unspayed female can potentially give birth to 12 - 18 kittens. A female cat can have as many as three litters a year, with a typical litter containing on average 4-6 kittens.

2. A - Weigh two pounds 

United Spay Alliance says kittens can be safely spayed/neutered when they are two pounds (or roughly two months old). Fixing kittens before they are five months old will drastically reduce the number of unwanted litters and greatly improve their overall health. 

3. True 

The Humane Society of the United States references a study conducted by Banfield Pet Hospitals found that spayed female cats in the study lived 39% longer and neutered male cats lived 62% longer. 

4. C: Trap-Neuter-Return

Alley Cat Allies advocates and promotes Trap-Neuter-Return as the humane, effective approach to addressing community cat populations.Through TNR community cats are trapped, spayed or neutered, and vaccinated. They are then returned to the exact location where it was trapped. 

5. D: Ear tip 

As part of a TNR program, a small portion of the tip of a community cat’s ear is surgically removed to show that the cat has been neutered and vaccinated. Eartipping is the most effective way to identify neutered community cats from a distance so they are not trapped or undergo surgery again. 

6. C: Spay or neuter by 5 months of age

The 2016 American Animal Hospital Association task force recommends sterilization of cats by five months of age with the initiative “Fix by Five.” 

7. D: All of the above 

The American Veterinary Medical Association says spaying female cats can prevent the birth of unwanted kittens, prevent uterine infection and reduce the risk of breast cancer. 

8. A: 9 weeks 

Catster claims that a gestation period in cats is between 64 to 71 days, but around 65 days, or 9 weeks on average. 

9. D: All of the above 

The SpayUSA database can help you find a low-cost spay/neuter service near you. While individual personalities and experiences can play a significant role, most altered cats are more easy going and receptive to socialization between cats and their human companions. Contrary to popular belief, the AVMA says you don’t need to wait until a female cat has gone through their first heat cycle.

Now that you’ve taken the quiz, you know just how important TNR is for controlling community cat populations and ensuring their well-being. But the work doesn’t stop there! You can make an even bigger impact by encouraging your friends and family to spay or neuter their pets. It's one of the most impactful ways to reduce overpopulation and improve animal welfare. Looking for more ways to help? Check out Alley Cat Allies new Community Resource Tool for an extensive listing of lifesaving resources for cats - including low-cost spay and neuter clinics. This World Spay Day, let’s turn awareness into action and make a difference for cats everywhere! 🐾❤️