The eagerly anticipated holiday season is fast approaching. While we look forward to food and fellowship, we dread the inevitable question: what do I do with my cat? How do you know which option would work best for your cat? The purr-fect plan depends on your cat’s personality, their health - and of course your budget. FurryTail’s Feline Festive Cat Care Quiz will help you decide the best option so both you and your cat will have a happy holiday.

Answer each question to get our recommendation.
1. How does your cat react to new places?
A: Confident - my cat is good as long as I’m around for reassurance.
B: Unsure - getting my cat into a carrier is traumatizing for both of us.
C: Nervous - my cat is a homebody.
D: Curious - my cat will explore new places independently.
2. Your cat meets a stranger - how does your cat react?
A: Calm - my cat is fine with new people.
B: Avoid - my cat will hiss or hide.
C: Selective - my cat is shy at first, but will warm up.
D: Friendly - my cat thinks of everyone as a potential playmate.
3. How does your cat do with other cats or pets?
A: Cautious - my cat is ok as long as the introduction is done properly.
B: Stressed - my cat gets territorial, aggressive, or nervous.
C: Depends - my cat is an only cat or is used to the family’s pets.
D: Social - my cat likes to be with others but also wants a private space.
4. How does your cat react to being left alone?
A: Clingy - my cat hates it when we are apart.
B: Fine - my cat sleeps most of the day.
C: Anxious - my cat requires regular, constant companionship.
D: Bored - my cat gets into mischief if left alone too long.
5. How does your cat handle travel?
A: Fine - my cat is used to traveling.
B / C: Awful - trips to the vet are painful.
D: OK - short trips are ok, but longer trips are stressful.
6. Does your cat have health issues or takes medication daily?
A / B: No - my cat is healthy, no special needs.
C / D: Yes - my cat has health issues, needs special care, or takes medication.
7. What is your budget for pet care during the holidays?
A / B: I’m looking for budget-friendly options.
C / D: I’m open to spending more to know my cat is in good hands.
Tally Your Results
Mostly As: Your cat is either an Adventurer like Bolt or Chillax like Loaf
Have Cat, Will Travel
Spend the holidays with your cat! If you are driving or taking public transit, our multifunctional BackPack is perfect. If you are traveling by air, we recommend our soft-sided, airline-preferred Cat Carrier. Whichever travel method you are using, look into their pet policies and ask your vet for tips, and recommendation on veterinarians at your destination. Transportation providers may restrict when, where, and which pets can travel, have guidelines regarding the type of carrier, require reservations, and charge a pet fee. Regardless of how you get to your final destination ensure your pet has safe passage, access to water, adequate ventilation, and for long hauls an expandable carrier. Consider your accommodation options and bring your cat’s food, bowls, and favorite items to make them feel at home. If you are staying with family or friends, get their permission to bring your cat and ask for their house rules. If staying in a hotel, choose a cat-friendly hotel and reserve a pet room.
Mostly Bs: Your cat is either a Solitary Soul like Willow or Territorial like Bangs
Home Alone - with Visits
Your cat doesn’t do well with change and thrives on routine. Arrange for daily visits from a friend or family member. Your cat can be reassured by a familiar face who will refill their food and water bowls, clean their litter box, and provide playtime - all from the comforts of home. To make it less of a holiday hassle for your friend, we recommend buying FurryTail’s Automatic Litter Box Pro. That way your friend can focus on food and fun instead of scooping poop!
Mostly Cs: Your cat craves companionship like Kash
Live-In Love-In
While traveling may not be in the cards for your cat, they don’t do well alone. Arrange for a live-in cat sitter to stay with your cat. Set their relationship off on the right paw by clearly communicating the house rules, your cat's preferences, favorite toys, and their routine. Include your vet's contact information and stock up on your cat’s favorite treats and food. As with any situation involving your pet, ask for references and do a meet-and-greet before you leave.
Mostly Ds: Your cat is Sociable like Doggo
Book them in a Cat Hotel
Cat hotels cater exclusively to cats with unique amenities. No dogs allowed. Many offer grooming, private rooms, common areas, enrichment activities, and a Kitty Cam. When booking a stay for your cat, bring in their favorite bed, food, litter, etc to make them feel safe and secure. Visit the facility, ask for references, and do a trial visit beforehand to ensure a good fit.
Each recommended option has pros and cons. Select the solution that suits your cat’s unique personality, social habits, health needs, and budget. With the right planning, you can ensure you and your cats enjoy a happy holiday!